Worried that the next family gathering will get a little too tense? Afraid of what Uncle Ted will say about Charlottesville? Tired of Grandma muttering, “I’m not racist, but...”? Then invest in White Idea’s new Social Eclipse Glasses*--designed to help your racist family members see the light! Prescription lenses invite actual reading Built-in personal viewing screens encourage selection of well-researched, long-form articles Lenses simultaneously correct color blind ideology while illuminating the wearer’s own white privilege Microchip in bridge transmits knowledge about structural racism, including but not limited to information about redlining, the school-to-prison-pipeline, and mass incarceration Attached earpiece coaches and rewards the wearer, including the phrases, “Now is the time to listen,” “Good job,” and “Remember, this is not about you!” Enclosed leaflet offers guidelines on how to be an ally without developing a savior complex Talking about racism is awkward. Let...
Portlandish: Satire and Humor from the First Portland